Look for a school full of happiness and singing Come to the classroom where work is always fun Join in the game You know it will be sporting Hear all the cheers – you know the best team won Look for the gate where the Jacarandas are set See through the shady trees – A stunning Glenwood Prep
This is our school – let us wear our colour proudly Show all the world we’ll be reckoned with the best “Unity!” Let’s shout our motto loudly Aim higher still; no matter the test Give me a school with a long and famous history Glenwood Prep you’re the school that has my loyalty.
Honour the school when you look back and remember Cherish the lessons you learnt along the way Some of us soon are leaving this December So long ago that very first school day Value the friendships and what they’ll always mean ahead Value those happy days – Enjoyed at Glenwood Prep.