Boarding Establishment – Gordon Murray House

Mr Thackwray welcomes you to Gordon Murray House
An Insight into our 'Home Away From Home'
Mr Thackwray welcomes you to Gordon Murray House
Exterior View of 'Gordon Murray House'
Exterior View of 'Gordon Murray House
Rear Patio Area
Rear Patio Area
The Pool
The Pool
Ideal for those sultry Durban summer days/evenings
The warmly decorated lounge area
DSTV included
The dining room and computer facility
The dining room and computer facility
Breakfast Time
The warm and beautifully decorated bedrooms.
The warm and beautifully decorated bedrooms.
A number of Gordon Murray designed cars
A number of Gordon Murray designed cars displayed in the corridor.
Some of the Boys from the Boarding Establishment
Some of the Boys from the Boarding Establishment.
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